Finance Principles

Financial Markets and Money​

Financial Hierarchy

Money, as one type of financial asset, functions as:

  • Medium of exchange
  • Store of wealth
  •  Divisible

Types of Financial Institutions​

Authorised deposit-taking institutions (commercial banks)

Government-licensed ADIs e.g. commercial banks

Non-ADI financial institutions

Investment Banks – do not take deposits – they help companies raise capital

Insurers and fund managers

Manage portfolios and risk

Types of Financial Markets

Primary and Secondary Markets

Retail and Wholesale Markets

Retail Markets

Direct flows of small amounts of funds between households, firms and intermediaries

E.g. home loans

Wholesale Markets

Large flows of funds between institutional lenders and borrowers

E.g. Investment banks and IPOs

Direct and Indirect Finance

Direct Finance

Direct between lender and borrower (often with help of broker)

•Avoids costs of intermediation

•However, costs of search and transaction costs (legal, advisory) incurred

Indirect Finance

Finance undertaken through intermediary (e.g. bank)

•Allows transformation and matching of assets and maturity

•Economies of scale by spreading fixed costs

•Risk management – intermediary exposed to borrower risk

Off Balance Sheet transactions include:  performance guarantees, underwriting, loan approvals, derivatives. 

Types of Financial Instruments​

Types of Financial Instruments

Corporate Governance​

Company Reporting Structure