Debt Markets

Short-term Debt (Money Markets)


Cheque/operating account, savings account, overdraft

Trade Credit

Credit account from supplier (i.e. pay for services later)

Interbank Settlements

Borrowing and lending between banks through RBA cash rate

Bills of exchange

Written commit by one party to pay another drafted by the lender

Promissory Notes

Written declaration by one party to pay another

Negotiable Certificates of Deposit

Bank deposit which is tradeable, issued at discount to face value (paid back at face value)

Commercial lending

Term deposit – loan advanced for a fixed term

Long-term Debt Markets


Interest-only loan

Interest paid throughout term and principal at end

Amortised Loan

Interest and principal paid over term

Deferred Repayment

Instalments of interest and/or principal commence after a period


Security provided by mortgagor (borrower) to mortgagee (lender/bank).  If mortgagor defaults, mortgagee can foreclose.

Interest Rates

Factors affecting loan rates

Credit risk – Risk of default

Term of loan – Longer-term loan is more risky

Repayment frequency – Higher frequency is less risky


Fixed for specified time period or varying in line with benchmark

Loan Covenants

Positive Covenant

Obligation to take an action e.g. achieve certain financial ratios

Negative Covenant

Obligation to refrain from an action e.g. change of corporate structure

Securitisation and the GFC​

Non-liquid assets
Asset-back securities
Cash flow from asset
Special Purpose Vehicle


Borrowing of an asset in return for regular lease payments.  Generally they are property or equipment leases. 

Equipment Leases

Operating Lease

Short-term lease, asset ownership is retained by Lessor

Finance Lease


Long-term lease, on payment of final lease instalment, ownership passes to Lessee

Direct Finance Lease:  Lessor purchases asset with own funds/ owns asset outright

Leveraged Finance Lease:  Lessor finances asset purchase